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IRIS Bio Chickpeas

IRIS Bio Chickpeas

Regular price €3,65 EUR
Regular price Sale price €3,65 EUR
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Chickpeas are excellent legumes, high in protein and fibre, and good for a balanced diet. Before cooking, they require soaking in cold water for 24 hours, changing the water a few times. This process releases the saponin, preparing them for cooking, which takes about 50 minutes. They can be eaten cold, seasoned with spices, used in the preparation of hummus, or combined with IRIS organic mezze penne or cappelli pasta for a complete meal.


Informazioni di carattere generale/General information
Ceci biologici/ Organic Organic chickpeas

Conservare in luogo fresco e asciutto al riparo della luce/ Keep in a cool and dry place owau from

TMC/Shelf life

25 mesi

25 Months

Valori nutrizionali medi per 100 g (Reg. CE 1169/2011)/ Medium nutritional values for 100 g (EC Reg. 1169/2011

Energia/ Energy   1585 KJ                

Energia/ Energy 376 kcal

Grassi/ Fat 4,9 g

di cui / of which

Acidi grassi saturi/ Saturates 0,6 g

Carboidrati/ Carbohydrate 54 g

di cui / of which

Zuccheri/ Sugars 3,7 g

Fibre/ Fibre 14 g

Proteine/ Protein 22,0 g

Sale/ Salt (NaX2.5) 0,02 g

Allergeni (Reg.CE 1169) /Allergens (Reg.EC 1169) Possibile Tracce / Possible cross-contaminations  Cereali contenenti glutine/ cereals containing gluten - Soia e prodotti a base di soia / Soybeans and – Frutta a guscio/Nuts i.e. almond -  Senape e prodotti a base di senape / Mustard and products thereof – Semi di sesamo e prodotti a base di semi di sesamo / Sesame seeds and prodducts thereof

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