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IRIS Bio 100% corn fusilli - Gluten Free

IRIS Bio 100% corn fusilli - Gluten Free

Regular price €4,15 EUR
Regular price Sale price €4,15 EUR
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IRIS organic 100% corn fusilli are suitable for people with coeliac disease; they don't contain gluten or soy lecithin. We've selected corn flour as it's particularly recommended, regardless of intolerances, for its benefits: it contains folic acid and its starch is a good sugar regulator.


Informazioni di carattere generale/General information
Pasta di mais senza glutine biologica/ Organic corn gluten free pasta

Conservare in luogo fresco e asciutto/ Keep in a cool and dry place

TMC/Shelf life

30 mesi

30 Months

Valori nutrizionali medi per 100 g (Reg. CE 1169/2011)/ Medium nutritional values for 100 g (EC Reg. 1169/2011

Energia/ Energy   1481 KJ                

Energia/ Energy 353 kcal

Grassi/ Fat 2,0 g

di cui / of which

Acidi grassi saturi/ Saturates 0,3 g

Carboidrati/ Carbohydrate 74 g

di cui / of which

Zuccheri/ Sugars 0,9 g

Fibre/ Fibre 6,5 g

Proteine/ Protein 5,1 g

Sale/ Salt (NaX2.5) 0,3 g

Allergeni (Reg.CE 1169) /Allergens (Reg.EC 1169) Possibile Tracce / Possible cross-contaminations Soia e prodotti a base di soia / Soybeans and

products thereof - Senape e prodotti a base di senape / Mustard and products thereof - Lupino e prodotti a base di lupino / Lupine and

products thereof

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