IRIS Bio Fusilli made from durum wheat semolina
IRIS Bio Fusilli made from durum wheat semolina
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Fusilli made from organic durum wheat semolina milled from whole grain, cultivated by the certified Italian organic agricultural supply chain IRIS. The absolute goodness of this pasta comes from the fibre retained during milling, which is beneficial for health and enhances the flavour. Excellent when cooked. IRIS pasta is bronze die extruded and produced in a pasta factory built using green building techniques. The production process is traditional, respecting optimal times and temperatures to maintain all nutritional content.
Informazioni di carattere generale/General information
Pasta di semola di grano duro biologica/Organic durum semolina pasta
Conservare in luogo fresco e asciutto, lontano da farine, riso e legumi, possibilmente al riparo dalla luce, 6°C < T < 20°C
Keep in a cool and dry place, far from flour, rice and legumes, possibly keep out of the light, 6°C < T < 20°C
36 mesi nelle condizioni sopra elencate
36 months under the advised storage conditions
Luogo di produzione Italia / Origine materie prime: Agricoltura Biologica – Paese di molitura Italia
Valori nutrizionali medi per 100 g (Reg. CE 1169/2011)/ Medium nutritional values for 100 g (EC Reg. 1169/2011
Energia/ Energy 1510 KJ
Energia/ Energy 356 kcal
Grassi/ Fat 1,6 g
di cui / of which
Acidi grassi saturi/ Saturates 0,4 g
Carboidrati/ Carbohydrate 72 g
di cui / of which
Zuccheri/ Sugars 2,6 g
Fibre/ Fibre 2,8 g
Proteine/ Protein 12 g
Sale/ Salt (NaX2.5) <0.01 g
Allergeni/Allergens Cereali contenenti glutine (cioè grano, segale,orzo, avena, farro, kamut o i loro ceppi ibridati) e prodotti
derivati /Cereals containing gluten (i.e. wheat, rye, barley, oats, spelt, kamut or their hybridised strains) and products thereof
Presente nel prodotto come ingrediente/Present in the product as ingredient
Può contenere tracce di soia, senape/ Possible cross contamination in traces of soy and mustard