IRIS Bio Buckwheat cakes
IRIS Bio Buckwheat cakes
Buckwheat cakes are made with hulled grains, without salt. Crispy and tasty. Good nutritional value from buckwheat with high phosphorus content, a source of fibre and protein, potassium and vitamin B3. Great for a snack or appetiser, accompanied with any side dish they're a good substitute for crackers, excellent for people intolerant to gluten. Not suitable for coeliacs.
Informazioni di carattere generale/General information
Gallette Ddi grano saraceno biolocihe/Organic buckwheat cakes
Conservare in luogo fresco e asciutto possibilmente al riparo dalla luce, 6°C < T < 20°C
Keep in a cool and dry place, possibly keep out of the light, 6°C < T < 20°C
TMC/Shelf life
12 mesi nelle condizioni sopra elencate
12 months under the advised storage conditions
Valori nutrizionali medi per 100 g (Reg. CE 1169/2011)/ Medium nutritional values for 100 g (EC Reg. 1169/2011
Energia/ Energy 1601 KJ
Energia/ Energy 378 kcal
Grassi/ Fat 3,7 g
di cui / of which
Acidi grassi saturi/ Saturates 0,8 g
Carboidrati/ Carbohydrate 68,7 g
di cui / of which
Zuccheri/ Sugars 1,3 g
Fibre/ Fibre 95,2 g
Proteine/ Protein 14,9 g
Sale/ Salt (NaX2.5) <0,01 g
Sale minerali/Mineral salts:
Potassio/Phosphorus 465 (23,2% NVR*)
Fosforo/Phosphorus 375 (53,6% NVR*)
B3 Niacina / B3 Niacin 3,35 ((20,9% NVR*)
Allergeni/Allergens Possibile contaminazione in tracce nel prodotto/Possible cross-contamination in the final product: Cereali contenenti glutine
/Cereals containing gluten
Può contenere trace di soia, senape, noci e frutta a guscio/ Possible cross contamination in traces of soy and mustard Nuts i.e almond