Bio hulled buckwheat
Bio hulled buckwheat
Buckwheat is naturally gluten-free and rich in essential amino acids, fibre, minerals, and vitamins. It can be cooked by adding it to soups, or by toasting it in a pan and then adding mixed vegetables to cook for a few minutes. Buckwheat patties are ideal when made with courgettes and flour.
Informazioni di carattere generale/General information
Grano saraceno decorticato /Organic hulled buckwheat
Conservare in luogo fresco e asciutto possibilmente al riparo dalla luce,
Keep in a cool and dry place, possibly keep out of the light,
24mesi nelle condizioni sopra elencate
24 months under the advised storage conditions
Valori nutrizionali medi per 100 g (Reg. CE 1169/2011)/ Medium nutritional values for 100 g (EC Reg. 1169/2011
Energia/ Energy 1419 KJ
Energia/ Energy 336 kcal
Grassi/ Fat 3,2 g
di cui / of which
Acidi grassi saturi/ Saturates 0,64 g
Carboidrati/ Carbohydrate 62,1 g
di cui / of which
Zuccheri/ Sugars 0,2 g
Fibre/ Fibre 5,8 g
Proteine/ Protein 11,7 g
Sale/ Salt (NaX2.5) 0,1 g
Sodio/Sodium 0,004 g